Thursday, March 11, 2010

Weight Loss Journey

 Yesterday I decided I wanted to get my life on a healthier track, after calculating my BMI I see I need to be at 135lbs or less to be at a healthy weight.  Yikes!  I’m only 29lbs. away from that!
So, I grabbed my camera, put on some workout clothes and smiled for the camera:

My Goal is to be at 135lbs by my 38th Birthday – that gives me right at a year to do this.

How am I going to do it?

* Eat healthier - consume more veggies and whole foods.  Make wiser choices.  No food after 7pm except on special occasions. 

* Get some form of EXERCISE everyday - I need to move everyday if possible.  This is going to be my biggest challenge. Wear a pedometer and strive for 10,000 steps a day, even if I have to walk around the house a few more times.

* Drink more water - consume 40 - 60 oz of water per day.  This one will require some work, water is sooo bland to me.

* Being accountable - I'm going to document the process via the only way I know how: Blogging and Scrapbooking, I'm a sucker for before & after shots.

* Enlisting fitness buddies - I've announced my intentions to my family & girlfriends, and we have all agreed to encourage, support and even push each other on our paths to better health.  I realize in the end, your buddy isn't moving your legs on that treadmill, but support does matter and I plan to share with them.

 * Buy new shoes - Shoes make everything better! They make you feel like you are getting dressed up to really DO something.

There's the plan & we'll see what happens next...


  1. I am so PROUD of you!!! You can do it!! Please let me know how I can help ... there is a running store off 1604 called Run Gear Run ... call me and we can go in there together and they can recommend the type of shoe you need and then you can buy it somewhere else cheaper (maybe)! Invest in good sneakers it makes a difference. Go Tracy Go!

  2. You can do it!!! I too have been on the get my self healthy so I live forever quest. It is totally worth it.
